Saturday, April 19, 2008

Medellin, Colombia

Medellin (pronounced Medijin)is a lovely city of 1.5 million in the hills of Colombia.
It is nice and fresh most of the time due to the height above sea level.We struck it really hot at 36 degrees during the day.

We ran the marathon in Medellin as you can see by the timetable. It is a striking city, being at he bottom of a very deep and narrow valley. The area produces flowers and vegetables for export, plus the city has many high-tech industries and design and fashion and medical establishments. The women are seen to be the most beautiful in all of Colombia, and the most sophisticated. We saw very up- market women out lunching. The hotel we were in, the Hotel San Fernando Plaza, was jaw-droppingly up-market as it was brand new and had special promotional rates.It was like a fantastic Thai or Singapore one.

My coaching point of trying to help the agents make their businesses better was in action! Luckily my background in geography teaching came to the fore, but also the fact all 3 of us were teachers, we just went onto automatic pilot and taught who were in front of us.

Off for a long slow lunch, Barranquilla next posting.

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