Sunday, October 25, 2009

Munich train station extract from client blog

Arrived in Munich eventually...meant to be midnight but thought for myself and saw I could jump on an earlier train compared to the one the ticket office had printed off for me.

I chose a quiet zone in the very front cabin and was able to prop my legs up on a shelf and knit my neck of the jersey I need to wear the minute it gets cold again. It does help to eat into the hours. In between I finished reading book number 3 of the trip "A Woman in Berlin." Anonymous. Harrowing first hand account of the rapes by Russian soldiers at end of Second World War. A bit of light travel reading..not. Black humour is part of their mechanism for coping. All very interesting and leaves me gazing out windows musing over the meaning of life, condition of humanity etc.

I feel like I am a hermit living at the station as I am also eating there, but yummy food like smoked eel on fresh bread, pretzels, fresh fruit smoothies, fruit salds, creamed rice and fruit to take away. Poor beautiful Munich is not getting visited by me.A 100 meter circle here.

Always dodgy around the stations however ...some slimy old codgers were crawling around half pissed whatever late last night. one guy literally looked like he had crawled out of the guttter/sewer and people were giving him a wide berth. A couple of crazies in doorways mumbling. Plenty of police about so feels safe enough.

More gazing out window wondering about humanity.

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